Wednesday 16 April 2014




MATRIC: 10BC000355
          *Civil/Structural Consultancy engineers *project Managers
                      block A2, suite 11, commerce plaza,Area one, Garki-Abuja









                              *MARCH 2014.

                    DECLARATION PAGE.

I hereby declare that this report was compiled by me and contains exactly what I have done during my SIWES industrial training at TANDMO ASSOCIATES LIMITED. I also declare that this report or its content has not been submitted to this or any other previous institution for the purpose of fulfilling the requirement for the award of any degree. All citations and sources of information are clearly acknowledged by means of reference.




                                                                                                                                              Civil Engineering Department
                                                                                                                                              College of Science and Engineering
                                                                                                                                 12th march, 2014.
The head of Department of civil engineering
The Coordinator, SIWES Unit,
Landmark University,
Kwara State.

Dear sir,
                                               LETTER OF TRANSMISSION
In compliance with the requisition of the established authority of Landmark University, Omu-Aran to prepare a detailed report of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) between the period of August 2013 and January 2014, I subsequently have the pleasure to submit this report.

Yours faithfully,

Nwobodo, Stephen Emeka.

To you, it is an awesome privilege on my side for you to be in my life.
To every friend, digital and real friends who have contributed immensely to who I am today.
To my unborn child who will look up to me as he grows to shake the world in a unique way.
To my parents who are working tirelessly to make me who I ought to become in the nearest future.
To Yahweh, the only invisible, wise, untamable God of all the earth, The king and master Jesus Christ for being the Lord of all the earth.

There are a good number of wonderful and interesting personalities I have met in the journey of life towards achieving this goal of becoming a personality in the future.
   My gratitude goes to the entire community of Landmark University, principal officers, members of the academic, my lecturers and fellow students for their support and for believing in me. When I came t landmark university, it was like yesterday but now, I realized how far I have gone in life through this channel you have lead me and I realized I had gone farther than I was before coming here. Indeed it is something worth celebrating as such opportunity as given to me is rare and I therefore appreciate all your efforts towards me.
   I also acknowledge the head of department (HOD), civil engineering prof. S.O  Ojo for his immense contribution and rekindling the love I have for geotechnical engineering. I appreciate Dr. G.A Gana, Engr. Owamah .H.I and Mr. Sojobi for the teaching and time dedicated to make me who i am today.
    With a heart full of gratitude, I appreciate the effort of Engr. T.A Omotosho who absorbed me for training, taught me, corrected me and took care of me during my training and experience program at tandmo Associates limited and that wouldn’t have been easy without the assistance of my industrial based supervisor Mr. Michael Ekere (Civil engr.)
   I won’t be in a hurry and forget to acknowledge Mrs. Ngozi obasi JP who took good care of me, gave me all I needed to make my training a smooth one.
I thank God for the Kingdom Life Revival Assembly (KLRA) Church, New Nyanya, Nassawa State for making my experience tangible by engaging me in extra work in other to boost my knowledge on monitoring and engineering generally.

                                          TABLE OF CONTENT



Cover page
Title page
Declaration page
Letter of transmission
Table of content
Tables and Figures
Chapter one
·                     Introduction 1.0
·                     Company’s profile 1.1
·                     The section I engaged in 1.2
Chapter two
·                     Theoretical framework 2.0
·                     Civil engineering 2.1
·                     Design of structure 2.2
·                     Structural consultancy 2.3
·                     Project management 2.4
·                     Construction monitoring 2.5

Chapter three
·                     AutoCAD 3.0
·                     Bill of quantity 3.1
·                     Quotation 3.2
·                     Site meeting 3.3
·                     Concrete cube 3.4
·                     Steel test 3.5
·                     Building construction 3.6
·                     Safety factors 3.7
·                     Foundation 3.8
·                     Block work 3.9
·                     Scaffold 3.10
·                     Form work 3.11
·                     Concrete 3.12
·                     Reinforced bars 3.13
·                     Casting 3.14
Chapter four
·                     Maintenance policy 4.0
·                     Challenges 4.1

Chapter five
·                     Conclusion and recommendation 5.0
·                     References 5.1
·                     Appendix 5.2

                                                TABLE and FIGURES
Fig. 1.1 organizational structure
Fig. 2.1.0 site inspection
Fig. 3.1.0 AutoCAD page
Fig.3.2 AutoCAD drafting
Fig. 3.5.1 stress/ strain curve
Fig.3.5.2 steel reinforcement
Fig. 3.7 safety kit
Fig. 3.8.1 excavation
Fig. 3.8.2 hardcore
Fig.3.8.3 dpc
Fig. 3.10 formwork
Fig.3.13 reinforcement
Fig.3.14 concrete casting
Fig. 5.1.1 excavation
Fig. 5.1.2 block work

TBL .2 quotation for subsoil investigation
TBL 3.4 concrete cube result
TBL 3.5 steel test result.

In brief summary, I would like to highlight that the industrial training was challenging in the areas of financial and accessibility though aside that, everything fell in place.
   The first challenge was poor effective implementation of design into actual construction on site and producing the design itself. Finally, I resumed to site and all that area was tackled effectively and afterwards I moved to the office where I was worked on using AUTOCAD drafting to improve more in those areas where I needed to improve on. The main point and concluding fact is that at the end of the training, I had gained more scope and knowledge in specific areas of design, implantation of design drawing, bill of quantity, consultancy and project management.
The industrial experience opened my eyes to many things I was bit confused about and it opened doors for me to see a lot of opportunities ahead of me as a civil engineer who is meant to understand the world as it is now and provide solutions to its  problems in the nearest future
Close to completion of my training, the church gave me a little project to implement and supervise a small project there which is the construction of a soak away system and this went smoothly as it gave me a platform to exercise what I have learnt even without strict supervision which tells how effective I can be when left alone to handle projects as this.

                    CHAPTER ONE
1.0                                                    INTRODUCTION
SIWES was established by ITF in 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical skills preparatory for employment in industries by Nigerian graduates of tertiary institutions
It was designed to give Nigerian students studying occupationally-related courses in higher institutions the experience that would supplement their theoretical learning. This paper attempts to examine the role of the university in the implementation of SIWES programed in Nigerian Universities. The paper also among others, highlighted the origin objectives, problems and prospects of SIWES program  as related to its implementation in Nigerian universities. Few recommendations were considered necessary for effective improvement and implementation of the program to enhance skill acquisition by Nigerian students studying occupationally-related courses in the universities in a changing world
It involves the attachment of a student to an organization in line with his/her respective course of study that can provide the training and experience required in the industry, as these experience and training cannot be obtained in the lecture rooms but the theoretical knowledge taught in lecture rooms shall be applied by the student in real industrial situations. This training/work experience, is an essential component in the development of the practical and professional skills required of each student by their respective course of study and also stands as an aid to prospective employment.

Participation in SIWES has become a necessary pre-condition for the award of Diploma and Degree certificates in specific disciplines in most institutions of higher learning in the country, in accordance with the education policy of government.

Operators - The ITF, the coordinating agencies (NUC, NCCE, NBTE), employers of labour and the institutions.
Funding - The Federal Government of Nigeria
I had my training with the firm,  TAndmo associates limited, The company’s principal areas of operations include building design project management and building supervision. It was an experience of a lifetime.

 1.1                 COMPANY’S PROFILE
TANDMO ASSOCIATES LIMITED (RC. 286589) is a registered engineering firm as a limited liability company incorporated under the Company and Allied Matters Act of 1990: as engineers, engineering consultants and project managers on 19th January, 19910. The company is registered with The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN EF 00301) and Association of Consulting Engineers of Nigeria (ACEN F140). We are relatively young but a dynamic indigenous firm conceived to revolutionize engineering design, construction process and delivery in Nigeria.
Primarily as engineers and associated services consultants, we are well structured to handle integrated services including all aspects of engineering design, cost management and turnkey projects.

With a highly mobile workforce, Tandmo Associates Limited can conveniently undertake projects in any part of the country. Our dynamic team of engineers, etc, can boast of a wealth of experience from various professional backgrounds as well as serving a demanding clientele. Our office is strategically located in Abuja, the Nigerian Federal Capital Territory with contact offices at other parts of the Nation.

The vision of Tandmo Associates Limited is to develop a company that is “clients-demand-driven” with a view to providing excellent professional services at un-parallel cost effectiveness. Through extensive use of state of the art computer software, we are determined to make designs, construction and delivery less hazardous for all our clients.
1.1.1 Scope of Services

1.1.2 Our Clients

We offer integrated services to:
Ø  Government
·         Federal
·         States
·         Government Parastatals
Ø  Corporate organization/bodies/Financial agencies
Ø  Private Estate developers
Ø  Private Residences

1.1.3Our Services
Ø  Civil/Structural Engineering Consultancy Services
Ø  Architectural Consultancy Services
Ø  Project Planning & Management
Ø  Project Monitoring & Evaluation
Ø  Urban and Regional Planning
Ø  Surveying
Ø  Water/Environmental Engineering
Ø  Training & Skills Acquisition
Ø  Human Resources Management
Ø  Sectoral Studies & Analysis
Ø  Oil & Gas

The Company has executed projects in the engineering field as follows:

a.                 Structural engineering designs of multi-storey buildings and supervision of same.
b.                 Design of roads, bridges and drainages.
c.                 We have the capability for carrying out construction of buildings including services engineering installations. For complex services engineering projects we work in conjunction with our associated mechanical/electrical firm.
d.                 Design and construction of warehouses and workshops.
e.                 Design and supervision of water retaining structures.
f.                    We also engage in water supply projects and we were engaged in the drilling of boreholes during execution of rural water supply projects in the defunct Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund set up.

Tandmo Associates was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in 19th January, 1991.

1.1.5    Corporate Membership
The Principal Partners are indigenous engineers with over 20 years practice experience in their respective fields. They are also Corporate Members of:-

a.                  Nigerian Society of Engineers, and registered with
b.                  The Council for Regulation of Engineering Practice in Nigeria (COREN).
The company is registered with The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN EF 00301) and Association of Consulting Engineers of Nigeria (ACEN F140). 


ü     Firm’s Management System
Tandmo Associates operate a partnership system. The firm is managed by the Principal Partners.

For sustainable standard of operation, the firm ensures a consistent level in the quality of key professional staff retained. Tandmo Associates Management System can therefore be accurately predicted at any given time.

ü     Organizational Structure 
The team is presently made up of;
(i)                   2 No. Principal Partners
(ii)                 2 Nos. Project Managers
(iii)                2 Nos. Project Engineers
(iv)                4 Nos. Civil/Structural Engineers
(v)                 2 Nos. Computer Analyst
(vi)                2 Nos. Surveyors
(vii)              3 Nos. Soil/material Experts
(viii)             4 Nos. AutoCAD Detailers
(ix)                5 Nos. Administrative Staff
The structure is further illustrated with the chart below:-  

     Fig. 1.1


-    Feasibility Studies and Planning:
-     Project Design, Implementation and Management
-     Performance Evaluation/Facility Management
During my SIWES program, The Company was executing the following  projects:

g.                 Structural engineering designs of a multi-purpose hall at faith academy, Goshen city Abuja  and supervision of same.
h.                  Supervision of a semi detached, two storey residential building at faith academy, Goshen city.
i.                     Supervision of semi detached twin one room apartment project at faith academy, Goshen city.
j.                     Supervision of a block of classroom.
k.                  We also supervised and monitored the construction of a retaining wall to control erosion at the faith academy football field, all in Abuja, the federal capital territory.
l.                     We also did series of design at the office like Gidan Daya Road & Drainages Network Design, Federal College of Education Kontagora , Satellite Town Development Authority (STDA)
m.                We also prepared a quotation for the sub-soil investigation for the construction of a new presidential hanger at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport, Abuja.
n.                  I did some CAD drafting on the design of a 5 bedroom apartment .

                  CHAPTER TWO
    2.0                      THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
I reported to the office and my documents were signed and filed, instructions were passed to me in order to caution me and to also give me a fore-knowledge of what am about getting myself into and what it is all about. I waited to collect my identification card bearing the firm’s emblem, the signature of the CEO and my signature and position tagged STUDENT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING.
I RESUMED WORK PROPERLY ON THE 20TH OF AUGUST 2014 And I went to meet my colleaque there I was introduced to the construction site, the contractor, project manager, and site engineers in charge of the on-going project who further exposed me to proper site work, Site work involves the entire process involved in the construction of a building and onsite the following factors must be considered and applied for effectiveness i worked there as the representative of the chief structural consultant engineer and I was being spoken to about safety first.

2.1 Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings. Civil engineering is the second-oldest engineering discipline after military engineering and it is defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering. It is traditionally broken into several sub-disciplines including geotechnical engineering where this area of civil engineering is concerned with the rock and soil that support civil engineering system, water resources engineering is concerned with the collection and management of water (as a natural resource), materials engineering which  consists of protection and prevention like paints and finishes, Alloying is another aspect of materials engineering, combining two types of metals to produce a more useful metal, coastal engineering concerned with managing coastal areas, it is also a defense against flooding and erosion, construction engineering engineering involves planning and execution of the designs from transportation, site development, hydraulic, environmental, structural and geotechnical etc but I will dwell on this, Structural Engineering is concerned with the structural design and structural analysis of buildings, bridges, towers, flyovers (overpasses), tunnels, off shore structures like oil and gas fields in the sea, aero structure and other structures. This involves identifying the loads which act upon a structure and the forces and stresses which arise within that structure due to those loads, and then designing the structure to successfully support and resist those loads. The loads can be self-weight of the structures, other dead load, live loads, moving (wheel) load, wind load, earthquake load, load from temperature change etc. The structural engineer must design structures to be safe for their users and to successfully fulfill the function they are designed for (to be serviceable). Due to the nature of some loading conditions

2.2 Design of structure

It is a creative process of turning abstract ideas into tangible physical representations. Another definition for design is a roadmap or a strategic approach for someone to achieve a unique expectation. It defines the specifications, plans, parameters, costs, activities, processes and how and what to do within legal, political, social, environmental, safety and economic constraints in achieving that objective.
  Designing often necessitates considering the aesthetic, functional, economic and sociopolitical dimensions of both the design object and design process.
  Design drawings must have in pictures, the details of the structure or its picture, in such a way as to achieve its obliagations in plnss, elevation and sections such that spots such that a qualified, skilled and computenet staff of the contractor encounters the least of problems in visualizing and arrying out his duty in the execution of the part of the job as the drawing stands to give complete technical informstion. The details of the structure must be complete in order to complete the required components and and this therefore will guarantee and lead to the successful completion of the contract, structure and component.
2.2.1 Qualities of Design.
The choice of paper size, as this will go a long way to determine the presentation. But at tanmo, we use A3 paper size but here are some other types.
(a). A0  = 840mm × 1189
(b). A1 = 594 × 840
(c). A2 = 420 × 594
(d). A3 = 297 × 420
(e). A4 =210 × 297
2. The scale must be adequate to completely contain the information or detail needed or required.
3. the design drawing are  clear and unambiguous, we don’t over detail or cover the drawing with lots of information
4. I observed that the works there are normally neat and well presented.good space for the drawing is maintained
5. all the dimensions are properly put in place for easy translation on site and every needed information inputed in the design is often times made visible and clear and sometimes sectioned in order to bring out the details of that part to avoid error during implementation of design.



At tandmo associates limitd, the major work there is consultancy which involves Services as structural inspections, calculations, drawings and structural reports together with Expert Witness and Party Wall Surveyor services. The firm has monitored several projects in and out of the  capital ity of Nigeria (Abuja) and has kept a good track. The directors are all Engineers with many years of experience in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy
  At tandmo associates, structural plans are being designed by The consultant. We all visit the site day by day to see the overall work and performance of the workers, site engineers, contactors aand also to make sure the project and work done suites the client’s taste.           We as Consultants,  submits recommendations and carry out detailed design where applicable and examines it  for damages and adequate repair measures are taken like the case of the retaining walls built at the football field of  faith academy, Goshen city, Abuja
The consultant also takes adequate measures to make contractors follow specifications in order to keep up to standards. This includes;
1.      Testing for steel
2.      Concerete cube test
3.      Inspecting trusses
4.      Checking mix ratio
5.      Inspecting reinforcement arrangement
6.      monitoring all structural works that deals with beams, slab, columns and foundation concrete cube test


Tandmo, as a major player in large size project implementation are  expertise in project risk management and gets involves in the project life cycle. Such is seen in the current bridge construction that is designed to give access road to vehicles, pedestrian and disabled people. That project is on going and is situated beside Sheraton hotels and towers, central area, Abuja. This  is part of a the added-value service that Tandmo associates limited provides to its Clients for all types of contracts, irrespective of its size.

fig 2.1


2.5 Construction monitoring

its an accurate and positive way of checking the quality, accuracy and progress of a construction project. Our specialist teams will oversee all aspects of construction identified by due diligence phase and provide reports, updates and advice to give complete project control.

Areas to monitor include:
  • the construction environment
  • quality control
  • timeliness and meeting targets
  • negotiations, suppliers and supplier performance
  • health & safety 
  • costing 
  • materials
  • conformance with plans and specifications
Construction monitoring gives you a clear view of your project’s progress, and allows you to address problems before and as they arise. Using global experience and expertise, we can help install and manage real-time monitoring systems to further enhance project management.



3.0 AutoCAD

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the form of electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.

Computer-aided design is used in many fields and tandmo associates is not an exception. We use it to draft section, designs and other forms of engineering designs for good presentation, accuracy and to make drawing presentation accurate and neat.
     CAD is an important industrial art extensively used in many applications. It was introduced to us as part of our 200level courses that we took and this had gone a long ay to give an edge in esier assimilation and a better understanding of the use of auto CAD software application.
        During my SIWES, my Boss introduced me to design proper by taking me to shams consultancy limited situated at Suite 182, NAOWA Shopping Complex, Asokoro District, Abuja, F.C.T with Tel: 07037093611
   There, I was introduced to the use of autocad and was told more about conversion and the field of engineering and how wide it is.

Fig 3.1

Fig 3.2



   The term Bill of Quantities (BQ) is defined in the SMM as a list of items giving brief
identifying descriptions and estimated quantities of the works to be performed. The BQ forms
a part of the contract documents, and is the basis of payment to the Contractor. The person preparing the bill of quantities – the “taker-off” has a limited choice of how to
convert the information on drawings into a bill of quantities


This piece of document gives a break down analysisof the estimated total cost to do a job. The one I participated in is the preparation of the
Tbl 3.2















allow for establishment on
site of all plant, equipment
including erection,
dismantling, moving and
transport from and moving
between borehole position

Allow for supply four copies
of Report which include
recommendation for each
Borehole location

Allow for accurate setting
out of boring locations.
Bore through sub-soil in 13
location from existing
ground surface to 15
meters depth or refusal
whichever is earlier

Obtain two representative
undisturbed samples from
each Borehole for
laboratory testing. Samples
must be the most
Representative of soil
strata encountered


Conduct sieve analysis on a
minimum of three of the
most representative
samples for each borehole

Conduct Atterberg limits
test on two most
representative samples
from each borehole

Conduct undrained triaxial
test (West State) on one
most representative
sample from each borehole
obtained at not more than
3 m depth

Conduct direct shear box
test on two selected sandy
sample from boring in noncohesive

Odometer test (shear box
test) on selected
undisturbed samples
obtained from borehole in
clayed or silt material
obtained within 3 m depth

Conduct consolidation test
for settlement analysis on
samples obtain from
borehole in clayed or silt
material 0btained within 3
m depth

Determine PH value and
sulphate content for four
soil or ground water
samples, whichever is


Allow for contingencies

Vat 5










































During the construction stage the contract administrator (sometimes referred to in different forms of contract as the 'architect / contract administrator', 'project manager', 'engineer' or 'employer's agent') holds regular construction progress meetings attended by the contractor and members of the consultant team.
The client, client representative or project manager may also wish to attend these meetings. Construction progress meetings may require decisions to be made and so it is important that they are attended by sufficiently senior individuals if delays are to be avoided.
Construction progress meetings are an opportunity to:
Receive progress reports from the contractor (the contractor may hold a progress meeting, sometimes called a production meeting, with sub-contractors prior to the construction progress meeting).
Receive progress reports from the consultant team.

During my industrial training, site meetings were held every two weeks on a Tuesday and the one I met first was the site progress meeting number 07 of the proposed faith Academy development (phase 3) for living faith church, Goshen held on Tuesday 22th sept.2013. I and my boss were in attendance.
    The essence of the site meetings is dissipating instructions to the contractors and to assess the progress of the project. The site meeting is chaired by the Chief project architect who gives out all instructions. During the meetings, all the consultants are expected to be present in order to obtain an update of a weekly report on each of their jurisdictions as regards the building project from the contractors. Issues from what material should be used to the ordering of materials and expenses made are discussed in full length and all issues or problems encountered are presented to the architect for instructions. After a few site meetings, my supervisor handed over the task of writing the minutes of the meeting to me. This i did and I even represented him in at least two occasions we had that he was unavoidably absent. I had to give him feedback on what transpired during the meeting and also passed on his instruction to the contractors during such meetings.
   During the meeting, everyone is given a copy of the minute and other contractors come up with a report of their progress on site and in that forum, its being talked about. The site meeting for the building project is expected to be held till the project is completed and handed over to the clients.



Concrete is used mostly for structural purposes such as foundations, columns, beams and floors and therefore must be capable in taking the loads that will be applied (unless you’re just after a large paperweight!).  One of the methods of checking its fit for purpose is to carry out a concrete cube test which measures the compressible cube strength of the concrete and relates directly to the required design strength specified by the designer
  Consultants urge contractors to cure for 7, 14, 21, 28 days and then run tests on those cubes to determine its compressive strength after curing for those number of days.
Usually a minimum of 3 cubes are taken from each sample, so make sure you taken enough from the pour before it finishes. Do check the specification you are working to, as sometimes the quantity of cubes you have to take may vary. The frequency of sampling should be identified in client specifications or by the designer or consultant engineer. This could be per batch / load or even per volume poured. Check before you start.
Cube moulds are usually 150mm x 150mm x 150 mm (or 100mm x100mm x100mm) and can be made from steel or polyurethane. The cube moulds must be manufactured to the specifications / standards of the relevant body, the British Standards Institute to this specification BS EN 12390-1:2000.
Before the concrete is scooped into the moulds, the moulds must be lightly coated in a mould release agent. This ensures that the concrete does not stick to the mould and makes it easier to remove the cube.  When using a 150mm mould, the concrete sample is scooped into the mould  in 3 equal layers (50mm) and compacted between each layer. There are various methods to compact the concrete into the moulds.
1.      Hand compaction – using a compacting rod / bar to BS EN 12390-2:2009
When using a 150mm mould, each layer compacted is tampered using a certified compacting rod /bar, 35 tamps per layer is required. Once the 3 layers have been tampered, tap the side of the mould with a hammer. Tampering and tapping removes trapped air in the concrete and allows compaction of the sample.
Once complete, the concrete is levelled off using a concrete float or trowel to give a smooth surface flush with the top of the mould.
2.      Mechanical compaction - internal poker vibrator / vibrating table to BS EN 12390-2:2009. 
Each layer is filled and vibrated till no more bubbles are on the surface of the layer, this is repeated for the 3 layers. It is very important not to over vibrate the layers as it may lead to segregation / disruption of the concrete mix.
3.4.1 Labeling
It’s very important to uniquely identify each of the cubes (and moulds) and to record where they have come from. Usually companies will have a process of labelling or tracking the cubes so make sure you ask first and record it properly.
3.4.2 Storage
The cubes should be covered with a damp cloth and a plastic sheet and stored in dry environment at a temperature range of 20 ± 5 degrees. The concrete cubes are removed from the moulds between 16 to 72 hours, usually this done after 24 hours.  Make sure the cube ID is transferred to the cube from the mould before placing into a curing tank. The curing tank needs to operate at a temperature between 20 ± 2 degrees and provides a moist environment that allows the cubes to hydrate properly. Ensure the cubes are fully submersed at all times and record the tank water temperature at least daily.
3.4.3 concrete cube test  The cubes are generally tested at 7 & 28 days unless specific early tests are required, for example to remove a concrete shutter safely prior to 7 days. Usually 1 cube will be tested at 7 days and 2 cubes at 28 days, however this may vary depending of the requirements, check the design first. The cubes are removed from the curing tank, dried and grit removed. The cubes are tested using a calibrated compression machine. This can be carried out internally by competent personnel or by a certified test house.
The cubes are tested on the face perpendicular to the casting face. The compression machine exerts a constant progressing force on the cubes till they fail, the rate of loading is 0.6 ± 0.2 M/Pas (N/mm²/s).  The reading at failure is the maximum compressive strength of the concrete. BS EN 12390-2: 2009 / BS EN 12390-3:2009. 
The concrete minimum compressive strength will be specified by the client/designer in a specific format. An example of this is given below:
3.4.4 C40/50
The 40 is the compressive requirement of 40 N/mm² of a crushed 100m concrete core and the 50 is a compressive requirement of 50 N/mm² for a crushed concrete cube. Therefore using the method of testing using concrete cubes, the tested compressive strength should be compared to the second number.
Once the cubes have reached failure, the shape of the cube has been altered due to the compression. The failure shape can indicate whether it’s a satisfactory / unsatisfactory failure. The image below shows the various failures of a cube as show in BS EN 12390-3:2009.
Below is an example of a test result that passed
Tbl 3.4
Cube no
Date cast
Date tested
Cube age
Cube weight (gm)
Cube density (kg/m3)
Load reading (KN)
Cube strength (N/mm2)

Fig. 3.4
Description: C:\Users\S\Desktop\images.jpg


Many materials display linear elastic behavior, defined by a linear stress-strain relationship, The elastic behavior
materials often extends into a non-linear region, represented here  
fig. 3.5.1
Description: C:\Users\S\Desktop\220px-Stress_v_strain_A36_2.svg.png 
(the "yield point"), up to which deformations are completely recoverable upon removal of the load; that is, a specimen loaded elastically in tension will elongate, but will return to its original shape and size when unloaded. Beyond this elastic region, for ductile materials, such as steel, deformations are plastic. A plastically deformed specimen will not completely return to its original size and shape when unloaded. For many applications, plastic deformation is unacceptable, and is used as the design limitation.
After the yield point, ductile metals will undergo a period of strain hardening, in which the stress increases again with increasing strain, and they begin to neck, as the cross-sectional area of the specimen decreases due to plastic flow. In a sufficiently ductile material, when necking becomes substantial, it causes a reversal of the engineering stress-strain curve this is because the engineering stress is calculated assuming the original cross-sectional area before necking. The reversal point is the maximum stress on the engineering stress-strain curve, and the engineering stress coordinate of this point is the tensile ultimate strength.
    Consultants on site and the project coordinators make contractors do this test on steel in order to check for quality control, this will determine the stability and lifetime of the structure. It is also used to roughly determine material types for unknown samples.


type of steel
bar diameter
actual length(mm)
guage length (mm)
Area mm2
yield load(KN)
yield stress(KN)
max. load(KN)
max. stress(KN)
Elastic modulus € (N/mm2)
% reduction in area at fracture
elongation % at max. stress
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result
Good result

Fig. 3.5.2

3.6 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION  is the process of preparing for and forming buildings and building systems. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing and continues until the structure is ready for occupancy.
Far from being a single activity, large scale construction is a feat of human multitasking. Normally, the job is managed by a project manager, and supervised by a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or project architect. For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. Those involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question must consider the environmental impact of the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction site safety, availability and transportation of building materials, logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding
Before goin to site, there a some things one need to know about before going. A list of safety factors ha to be considered.

3.6.1 Types of construction projects

In general, there are five types of construction:
  1. Residential building construction
  2. Industrial construction
  3. Commercial building construction
  4. Institutional construction
  5. Heavy civil construction


Safety is an important consideration at any construction site, extra safety is of crucial importance and should be everyone's primary concern because construction of buildings at great heights such as the multi-purpose hall project at faith academy, Goshen city, Abuja can be a dangerous activity.
    Safety is based on knowledge, skill, and an attitude of care and concern .Thus safety factors includes all the measures carried out to protect both the worker, consultants, contractors and all persons present on the site at every given time from fatalities and injuries, and as well as minimize or eliminate all possible construction hazards.
     This safety measures can also be applied to the safety of the building and building materials from damage of any kind.

1.       Proper clothing is as essential to safety. Wear clothes that are smart and appropriate for the site work and weather conditions. Loose clothing is dangerous for workers around power tools and equipment.

2.      Footwear must be safety boots or work boots that are thick-soled shoes in order to protect the feet from falling objects or from penetration by nails, and should have non-slip soles. Sandals or other types of inappropriate footwear are hazardous on construction site.

3.      Protective head gear (helmets or hard hats) must always be worn on a construction site by all persons for protection of the head from falling objects of any kind.

4.      Suspension belts are of crucial importance for site workers working at very high levels.

5.      All exposed areas or parts of a building must be adequately protected with temporary rail or supports and staircases must be protected with temporary balustrades.

6.      All scaffolding that is elevated 10 feet or more must be equipped with a safety railing. All scaffolds must be equipped with a toe board to eliminate the possibility that tools or debris will be kicked or pushed onto people below. A scaffold must be designed to support four times the weight of the workers and the materials resting on it.

7.      Inspect all scaffolding each day before using it. Never use damaged or defective equipment and avoid rusted parts since their strength is unknown. When erecting scaffolding, provide adequate sills for the scaffold posts and use base plates. Use adjusting screws, not blocks, when on an uneven grade. Make sure to plumb and level scaffolding and do not force end braces when constructing the scaffolding.

8.      Use only properly graded and inspected lumber for planking. Inspect planking daily for splits and knots, and remove defective or damaged planking.

9.      Be always aware and alert of your surroundings.

10.  A clean work place is a safe work place. This refers to the neatness and good order of the construction site. Keep the site clear of danger as you work – remove nails from waste wood, move trip hazards and obstacles, etc. They interfere with work and can constitute a hazard to both the worker and other persons on the site.

11.  Any unsafe conditions or practices that is observed should IMMEDIATELY be reported to the site project manager.

12.  Emergency medical care in form of first aid assistance (first aid kit) must be provided on the site and must be easily identifiable and nearby



Foundation is the part of structure below plinth level up to the soil. It is in direct contact of soil and transmits load of super structure to soil. Generally it is below the ground level. If some part of foundation is above ground level, it is also covered with earth filling. This portion of structure is not in contact of air, light etc, or to say that it is the hidden part of the structure and often referred to as the sub-structure.
Depth of foundation depends on following factors.
1. Availability of adequate bearing capacity
2. Depth of shrinkage and swelling in case of clayey soils, due to seasonal changes which may cause appreciable movements.
3. Depth of frost penetration in case of fine sand and silt.
4. Possibility of  excavation close by
5. Depth of ground water table
6. Practical minimum depth of foundation should not be less than 50 cm. to allow removal of top soil and variations in ground level.
7. Hence the best recommended depth of foundation is from 1.00 meter to 1.5 meter from original ground level.  
Footing is a structure constructed in brick work, masonry or concrete under the base of a wall or column for distributing the load over a large area.

3.8.1 Width of Foundation/Footings

The width of footings should be laid according to structural design. For light loaded buildings such as houses, flats, school buildings etc having not more than two storeys, the width of foundation is given below.
1. The width of footing should not be less than 75 cm for one brick thick wall.
2. The width of footing should not be less than 1 meter for one and half brick wall.

3.8.2 Different Processes in Foundation Work

The processes executed in the foundation works are given below. 
1. Excavation of earth work in trenches for foundation.
2. Laying out cement concrete.
3. Laying the footing in case of raft or column construction.
4. Laying Anti termite treatment.
5. Laying Brick work up to plinth level.
6. Laying Damp proof course on the walls.
7. Refilling of earth around the walls
8.  Refilling of earth in the building portion up to the required height according to plinth level


3.8.3 Precautions while designing 'Foundation'

  1.  A foundation should be designed to transmit combined dead load, imposed load and wind load to the ground. 
  2. Net loading intensity of pressure coming on the soil should not exceed the safe bearing capacity.
  3.  Foundation should be designed in such a way that settlement to the ground is limited and uniform under whole of the building to avoid damage to the structure. 
  4.  Whole design of the foundation, super structure and characteristics of the ground should be studied to obtain economy in construction work.

3.8.4 Ratio of Cement Concrete and Mortar for Foundation

  1.  The cement concrete 1:8:16 is generally used in the foundation of walls in construction work. 
  2.  In case of column raft cement concrete 1:4:8 is the best recommended ratio for it in the foundation.  
  3.  For brick masonry cement mortar 1:4 to 1:6 is used as loading condition.  
 In case of column and raft footings up to plinth level cement concrete 1:2:4 or 1:1.5:3 are used. 
Soil having Safe Bearing Capacity
Dry coarse and well graded dense sand have maximum shear resistance and maximum bearing capacity. In general submerged soil and clay have less bearing capacity

3.8.5 Precautions during Excavation of Foundation Work

The depth and width of foundation should be according to structural design.
  1.  The depth of the foundation should not be less than 1 meter in case the design is not available. 
  2.  The length, width and depth of excavation should be checked with the help of center line and level marked on the debris.
  3.  The excavated material/ earth should be dumped at a distance of 1 meter from the edges. 
  4.  Work should be done on dry soil.  
  5.  Arrangement of water pump should be made for pumping out rain water.
  6.  The bottom layer of the foundation should be compacted.  
  7.  There should be no soft places in foundation due to roots etc.  
  8. Any soft/ defective spots should be dug out and be filled with concrete/ hard material
Fig. 3.8.3


This is the process of laying concrete masonry units to form either external walls as in-fills or lock wall which are load-bearing or non- load bearing or internal walls as partitions. These masonry units are commonly hollow sand-concrete blocks which are much economical per unit of wall area.  I took a visit to the block making industry there to see what their production is like, mix ratio and curing process because those are part of things to consider as a supervisor or rather a consultant on site.
   The blocks are being lifted to a height of 2 feets and then allowed to fall. The blocks are said to fail if they fall down rapidly and their parts go into pieces.
The standard sand-crete block wall is explained below;

 Sequence of laying of sand-crete block wall:

 •A bed of mortar is spread on the footing/floor.

•The first course of blocks for a lead is laid on the mortar. The mortar for the head joint is applied to the end of each block with the trowel before the block is laid.

 •The lead is built higher. Mortar is normally applied only to the face shells of the block and not to the webs.

 •As each new course is started on the lead, its height is checked with either a folding rule or a story pole marked with the height of each course.

 •A line is stretched between the leads on line blocks.

•The course between the leads are laid rapidly by aligning each block with the stretched line.

•The last block to be installed in each course of infill blocks, the closer must be inserted between blocks that have already been laid then the block is lowered carefully into position.


 A Scaffold is a temporary framework used to support people and material in the construction or repair of buildings and other large structures. It is usually a modular system of metal pipes, although it can be made out of other materials. The purpose of a working scaffold is to provide a safe place of work with safe access suitable for the work being done. All scaffolds must be equipped with a toe board to eliminate the possibility that tools or debris will be kicked or pushed onto people below. A scaffold must be designed to support four times the weight of the workers and the materials resting on it.

Fig.3.10 Erection of columns after adequate form work

3.11 FORMWORK is the term given to either temporary or permanent mould into which concrete or similar materials are poured

3.11.1  Shutters  are another type of formwork made of steel metal also known as shutters panels.

They are flat metal panels made of steel which are assembled together to make the complete formwork and are specially used to cast concrete columns in high rise reinforced concrete frame structures. They are usually tight enough to prevent the loss of fine materials. Erection of the shutters are usually orderly, simple and all the units are of sizes that can be easily handled. It gives the column a smooth face.


Concrete is a mixture of coarse and fine aggregates, cement and water which is allowed to harden. Coarse aggregate used on site is normally gravel and Fine aggregate is sand.

3.12.1 Concrete ‘’slump test’’:

On site, before any concrete is cast into the formwork or mould, a slump test is always carried out on it to test for its consistency and quality check to determine the desired degree of workability. Freshly mixed concrete is an unstable mixture of solids and liquids. If it is vibrated excessively, and dropped from a height, it is likely to segregate, which means that the coarse aggregate work sits way to the bottom of the form and the water and cement paste rise to the top. The result is concrete of non-uniform and with unsatisfactory properties.

3.12.2 Curing of concrete

Concrete cures by hydration and not by drying. Thus, it is essential that the concrete must be moist until its required strength is achieved. Maximum strength for concrete is attained after 28days(4 weeks) of curing. If it is allowed to dry at any point during this timeframe, the strength of the cured concrete will be reduced and its surface hardness and durability are likely to be adversely affected.



Concrete has no useful tensile strength and is limited in its structural uses. Steel reinforcement bars are used in concrete columns beams, and slabs. Reinforcement bars have various diameter sizes. They come in 12mm,16mm 18mm, 20mm 24mm 30mm and 32mm diameter sizes.



Casting is the process of pouring concrete mix into a mould or form laid with reinforcement bars to form a solid mass structure.

3.14.1 Casting a concrete wall

 •Vertical reinforcing bars are first wired to the dowels that project from the foundation footing and horizontal bars are wired to the vertical bars as seen in the illustration below.

 •The formwork is erected. Sheets of plywood form the face of the concrete and are supported by wooden studs. The studs are supported against the pressure of the wet concrete by horizontal supports.


                   CHAPTER FOUR


Tandmo Associates limited carry out several maintenance policy in order to stabilize and also to meet up with the rapidly changing world of engineering and consultancy. These, is in order to meet standard specification and requirements for sustainability and good quality delivery in this diverse world of engineering, science and technology.
·         Welfare of staff, both technical and non-technical
·         Providing machines and facilities to make work easy and presentable
·         Getting qualitative equipment for several test procedures and processes needed at one point or the other within the organization.
·         Giving adequate recommendations to its members of staff.

Tandmo associates boosts its knowledge of engineering by honoring seminars and engineering related workshops and program that will keep them on the fast track and the right place for substantial development inputs and character.


There are challenges in almost every sector of life we go into, my experience at tandmo associates and at the proposed faith academy project site, Goshen was not an exception.
One of such is the fact that the monitoring group will have to be following contractors around before that carry out major structural related activities such as curing of column, curing of concrete cube and testing for both steel and the concrete cube. Much time and pressure had to be put into in order to get them run this activities as the next phase of construction is normally delayed until such instructions are being effected.
Honey combs on columns didn’t go well with me, cranking of reinforcement, poor steel results but I learnt such happens normally in construction and the solution that was provided for the poor steel result was that 10mm steel was introduced in between reinforcement arrangement and thus, reducing the space between reinforcement from 200mm to 100mm.
    Mixing ratio was a great challenge because we had to keep a close watch to make sure that the standard 1:2:4 or 1:3:6  as the case may be is followed duel and it was strictly implemented to keep to standard.

                 CHAPTER FIVE


To the best of my knowledge, I recommend tandmo associates to any interested student who wish to have an undeniable and up to standard knowledge on consultancy, project management, design n monitoring of any type of structure as regards engineering ranging from houses to complexes, shops, road, sewage tanks etc
It is a friendly place and a good ground for growth and development especially for young engineers who need experienced people around them to increase in their knowledge of engineering.


 Chris Chukwurah
Construction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welcome to The Industrial Training Fund - Federal Republic of Nigeria
Jump up ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. [1] (accessed: 2007-08-08).
^ Jump up to: a b "Civil engineering". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 2007-08-09.
^ Jump up to: a b c Oakes, William C.; Leone, Les L.; Gunn, Craig J. (2001). Engineering Your Future. Great Lakes Press. ISBN 1-881018-57-1
Jump up ^ Chen W-F, Scawthorn C. Earthquake Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8493-0068-1, Chapter 2
^ Jump up to: a b Mitchell, James Kenneth (1993), Fundamentals of Soil Behavior (2nd ed.), John Wiley and Sons, pp 1–2
Jump up ^ Shroff, Arvind V.; Shah, Dhananjay L. (2003), Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2003, pp 1–2
Jump up ^ Narayanan, R, A Beeby. Introduction to Design for Civil Engineers. London: Spon, 2003.   cite   Beck, K., Beedle, M., van Bennekum, A., Cockburn, A., Cunningham, W., Fowler, M., Grenning, J., Highsmith, J., Hunt, A., Jeffries, R., Kern, J., Marick, B., Martin, R.C., Mellor, S., Schwaber, K., Sutherland, J., and Thomas, D. Manifesto for agile software development, 2001.
  Bourque, P., and Dupuis, R. (eds.) Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge (SWEBOK). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004 ISBN 0-7695-2330-7.
  Brooks, F.P. The design of design: Essays from a computer scientist, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010 ISBN 0-201-36298-8.
  Cross, N., Dorst, K., and Roozenburg, N. Research in design thinking, Delft University Press, Delft, 1992 ISBN 90-6275-796-0.
  Dorst, K., and Cross, N. (2001). "Creativity in the design process: Co-evolution of problem-solution". Design Studies 22 (2): 425–437. doi:10.1016/0142-694X(94)00012-3.
  Dorst, K., and Dijkhuis, J. "Comparing paradigms for describing design activity," Design Studies (16:2) 1995, pp 261–274.
  Simon, H.A. The sciences of the artificial, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA,
Fothergill and Company Ltd.
Human problem solving, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972.
  Pahl, G., and Beitz, W. Engineering design: A systematic approach, Springer-Verlag, London, 1996 ISBN 3-540-19917-9.
  Pahl, G., Beitz, W., Feldhusen, J., and Grote, K.-H. Engineering design: A systematic approach, (3rd ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2007 ISBN 1-84628-318-3.


Previously, in my appreciation page, I appreciated and acknowledged Kingdom Life Revival Assembly (KLRA), new Nyanya for their contribution. I was engaged in a project and I did my best to work with them, this exposed me to better understanding of construction work, monitoring and supervision as it made me go about consulting experienced engineers and friends before the construction kick started and I must say it was a huge success as I witness the construction of a 10 feet by 10 feet underground sewage system com to completion. Here are some pictures taken from that site.
Description: C:\Users\S\Desktop\New folder\New folder\IMG_20131231_150857.jpgfig. 5.1.1
Description: C:\Users\S\Desktop\New folder\New folder\IMG_20140101_113224.jpg
Fig. 5.1.2Description: C:\Users\S\Desktop\New folder\New folder\IMG_20140102_174529.jpg

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